Check of contracting company

This SKRIN database allows you to check any Russian legal entity or sole proprietor using the relevant data received from the official sources.

This database helps assess the financial performance of any company, find information about its owners, track its affiliation and detect fly-by-night companies.

Online checking of a contracting company by key stop-information parameters allows you to separate off unreliable companies and single out companies by checking which additional attention must be paid.

The SKRIN database guarantees that due care is exercised in selecting partners in accordance with the recommendations of the Russian Tax Service.

The EGRUL/EGRIP Monitoring service allows to track any changes in registers of the Russian Tax Service – EGRUL and EGRIP – with regard to your contracting companies including legal entities and sole proprietors.

Main information blocks:

  • activity (industry, participation in the state procurement, codes of the company – INN, OGRN, OKPO, KPP);
  • interrelations (chains of the company’s owners, affiliates);
  • statements (arbitration practice, statements about bankruptcy, state registration bulletin);
  • financial performance (five forms of the financial statements prepared in accordance with the Russian Accounting Standards and the International Financial Reporting Standards, indebtedness (court bailiffs);
  • inspections (general inspection plan, absence of disqualified persons in the executive body, addresses of mass registration).


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